Rayalaseema’s Special Ragi Sangati Recipe

Relish this rustic Rayalseema's unpretentious wholesome meal Ragi Sangati with a lip-smacking chicken curry and a fiery chily chutney.. Spruce it up with a gratifying masala majjiga on a hot summer noon and feel full and energetic the whole day..

 1 Cup Of Idli Rice
 ½ Cup Of Ragi Flour
 2 Cups Of Water
 Required Amount Of Rock Salt
Vessel Required
 A Heavy Bottomed Earthern Pot (Broad And Medium Sized)
 Or A Thick Bottomed Metal Pan (For eg, copper Bottom Pan)
 Or A Heavy Cast Iron Kadai

Boil The Rice

Stage 1: Heat a thick bottomed earthern Pot and let the flame be in high mode. Pour in two cups of water and when it comes to a boil just add a cup of soaked idli rice and stir in. Sprinkle in a little amount of rock salt and let it get cooked for about eight to ten minutes approximately.


Stage 2: When the rice gets cooked up well, just scatter the ragi flour and just leave it undisturbed. Stirring is not necessary until it gets fully absorbed by the water and rice. Pop the lid on and wait for a while.


Stage 3: After five minutes, open the lid to see the ragi flour completely absorbed and this is the stage where you have to simmer the flame. Mix well using a ladle and let it get cooked for about ten minutes approximately with the lid on. After a while open the lid and feel the ragi with your fingers. If it is slimy and non sticky then turn off the flame and now the ragi Sangati is done.


Stage 4: Place cold water in a bowl by the side, and dip your hands and take a portion from the hot ragi mixture and roll it into a big ball. Dip every now and then in to bear the heat and make even sized balls out of it. Now the sumptuous Ragi Sangati is ready to eat.