Cinnamon Almond Milk Recipe

Cinnamon Almond milk is a nutritious drink which is packed with proteins and vitamins. It makes a healthy breakfast not only for children but for adults too as there is no cholesterol in it.

 100 g Raw Almonds
 ½ tsp Cinnamon POwder
 4 nos Seedless Date
 1 tsp Vanilla essence
 1 tsp Sugar


Soak the almonds in hot water for a few hours and peel the skin and keep it aside


Put it in a blender and mash it well.


Pour the almond milk in the blender and put the seedless dates, cinnamon powder and a spoon of vanilla essence and a tea spoon of sugar and blend it well.


Pour it into a large strainer and filter the semi solid almond milk and refrigerate.


Pour it in a large glass and serve it chill along with some cookies.